CG Elementum supports refugees from Ukraine in a need-oriented and pragmatic way
Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, the nationwide real estate developer CG Elementum AG has been supporting refugees and aid organizations with targeted measures, such as medicine, vehicles and housing.
Overall, talks were held at several locations to accommodate several hundred refugees through temporary conversion or interim use of the company’s existing properties. At the Karlsruhe location, a corresponding lease was signed at short notice. In a record time of six weeks, a former hotel at the Karlsruhe train station was converted into refugee accommodation for around 100 people. Lead-managed by the Frankfurt branch of CG Elementum under the direction of Edyta Wünsch, the building was handed over for use on June 1, 2022.
At the Leipzig site, the company is in talks with the city for additional refugee accommodation. In Berlin, the state office for refugee affairs there has decided against the offered property.
Already at the beginning of March, the Group’s driving service transported medicines worth almost 12,000 euros to the Polish-Ukrainian border, from where they were forwarded to two hospitals in Kiev. Aktion LeipzigHilft, which organizes aid transports on a voluntary basis, was provided with two buses for trips to Ukraine to transport food, medicines and refugees. The transport of relief goods by a church organization from Leipzig was financially supported.
In addition, 18 people could be accommodated in 5 apartments in Berlin, which were furnished and equipped at short notice. The GRONERs hostel in Leipzig, which belongs to the group of companies, provided 4 multi-bed rooms for quick accommodation.
“We use our possibilities everywhere where we can achieve something directly for the people from Ukraine. This involves us as a company, but it also involves many employees who are committed to helping, and we support them,” commented board member Jessica Seja on the commitment. And the help continues: CG Elementum will continue to provide targeted support for projects and initiatives that help refugees or war victims in Ukraine.
Picture: (Group photo from left: I. Jelinic, P. Tonlorenzi, City of Karlsruhe, Social and Youth Authority, Coordination Office for Repatriates and Refugees, Management, C. Schindler, City of Karlsruhe, Social and Youth Authority, E. Wünsch, D. Leitner (Daniel Leitner Company), J. Dahlinger, F. Schwenke, City of Karlsruhe, Social and Youth Authority, Coordination Office for Repatriates and Refugees.
Martina Serwene
Phone: +49 30 7675948 1269
CG Elementum AG
Bismarckstraße 79
10627 Berlin